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The Scrounger's Report

Mar. 30, 2000

Today's Arrivals

Got a whole bunch of stuff in the mail today.
I've only listened to the first one so far...

White Heart - Vital Signs. 1994 (1983). Home Sweet Home Records.
   Part of the "Contemporary Christian Gold" series of budget-
   priced CDs (marked "4.99 Cassette $8.99 CD" on the cover artwork).
   Prior to this release, it was only available on CD as part
   of a 2-on-1 release in 1989 (?). I can't speak for anyone
   else, but I've never seen this in all of my scrounging trips.
   radrockers.com has them for $7.00. If you have any intention
   of attempting to complete a White Heart discography, I'd jump
   at that price. At this point in their career they had a very
   west-coast sound (see Sweet Comfort Band).

White Heart - Hotline. 1985. Home Sweet Home Records.
   A toughie.

Heavy Pettin' - S/T. ???. Heatsink Records.
   Just now released for the first time on CD. Supposedly
   Big Bang and Rock Ain't Dead are coming in the next 2 months.
   However, I wouldn't unload your original pressings just yet:
   if this packaging is any indication, there will not be
   any booklet or liner notes, just a front card. "We have

Xcursion - Ready to Roll. ???. Old Metal Records.
   Mark Slaughter's pre-Slaughter band. I've been told
   that the sound quality is horrendous. We'll see.

Sorcery - 2. ???. Old Metal Records.
   Early David Glenn Eisley material (pre-Giuffria).

The last 2 are "must haves" for any fans of German hard rock/metal,
and at $15 each, they're absolute STEALS:

Sinner - Danger Zone + Touch of Sin
Sinner - Comin' Out Fighting + Dangerous Charm

Just released last year, these Japanese import 2-on-1s are
a great way to get the early Sinner catalogue. Both have
full booklets and "wrap-around" OBI strips (The OBI extends
to include a complete front cover).

Query to those in the know: evidently, these 2-on-1s encompass
Sinner's 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th albums. Is there a 2-on-1 of
albums 1 and 2?

Also, can someone provide a complete Sinner CD discography?
They seem to have a buttload of CD releases, and I've no clue
which ones to try and obtain (not to mention that there seem
to be about 27 compilations thrown into the mix as well).



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