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CD Sniper!!

CD Hunting!

The Scrounger's Report

Apr. 23, 1999

Not a bad day.

Ducked out early to use up some credit I had at a local
used CD Shoppe. Came away with some decent stuff...

Armageddon - The Album.
I hadn't bothered to pick this up, but for $3 I had no choice...

One Nation - Strong Enough. 1989. IRS Records
This is poppy, dance-type stuff, but the lead singer reminds me
of Peter Cetera.

Then Jericho - First (The Sound of Music). 1988. London/MCA
What can I say, I like '80s pop...

Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene 7-13. 1997. Epic.
What can I say, I also like some New Age...

and the two I was thrilled to find:

Rik Emmett - Ipso Facto. 1992. Duke Street (Canada).
This appears in a couple of online stores as available on cassette,
and the few that still show it on CD have it backordered, so
I'm guessing it's out of print now. While I've seen copies of
"Spiral Notebook" occasionally, and "Absolutely" fairly
frequently, this is the first copy of Ipso Facto I've ever seen.
Stylistically it's somewhere between the two aforementioned
albums. A bit more balls than "Spiral Notebook" but not heavily
rockin'... So far this is a *definite* keeper.

Fifth Angel - S/T. 1988 Epic.
I already have this, so this is available for trade. Both of
the FIfth Angel discs have been reissued as Japanese imports,
but if you want an origina issue...:)


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