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CD Sniper!!

CD Hunting!

The Scrounger's Report

Aug. 07, 1999

What, you went CD shopping *AGAIN*??? Sheesh....

Well.....yeah. I do that. When boredom hits, time to
go CD hunting. Today was a mediocre day huntwise, but
I didn't come away empty handed...

First, an item for the trade pile:

Twisted Sister - Love is For Suckers. 1987. Atlantic Records
   Their most commercial release, and IMO probably their
   best; very polished production-wise compared to their
   earlier efforts. These are becoming as scarce as hen's
   teeth. It is a cutout (spine drilled), but the CD itself
   is in excellent shape. Make me an offer, or check my
   trade list.

Ok, on to the schtuff:

Baddax - Walkin' the Wire. 1995. Convetz Records
   This was a gamble. It failed. The artwork had all the look
   of '80s-style hard rock, even down to the stylized logo
   and a bunch of white guys in long hair on the back cover.
   BLEAGH! Sucks dead moose balls.

Jean Michel Jarre - Zoolook. 1984. Dreyfus (France).
   What can I say, I'm a Jarre freak. This type of New Age
   music I can listen to all day long...

Yes - Talk. 1994. Victory Records.
   It was the "free" end of a "Buy 3, get 1 free" deal.
   I like the post-1970s Yes stuff...

Poco - Deliverin'. 1971. Epic Records.
   Picked this up for a friend...

Slaughter - Stick It Live. 1990. Chrysalis.
   I'd never gotten around to picking this up, so when
   I saw it for $3.95 I said "the heck with it"; also
   I've been seeing them less and less as of late, so
   better get while the getting is good.

Soundtrack - American Anthem. 1986. Atlantic.
   For $1.95, why not? One of them there 1980s soundtracks
   that has some decent performers on it: John Parr,
   Mr. Mister, INXS, Stevie Nicks, Graham Nash, Andy
   Taylor (3 tracks), Chris Thompson, and a few instrumental

Deliverance - Stay of Execution. 1992. Intense Records.
Deliverance - Camelot in Smithereens. 1995. Intense Records.
   Some good CCM thrash/heavy metal. I'm getting closer
   to completing their discography. If anyone has originals
   of "Weapons of Our Warfare" or "What a Joke" for trade,
   please contact me offlist.

Xentrix - Shattered Existence. 1989. Roadrunner Records.
   Pounced on this one, as I've never seen it before on
   CD. I already have "For Whose Advantage" and "Dilute
   to Taste". Any more or is this it?

The last three discs are interesting because they are
pretty unusual finds:

Nik Kershaw - The Riddle. 1984. MCA (Germany).
   I'd not seen any of his stuff before, and to be honest,
   I was not expecting anything this poppy. It's not bad,
   and it has an AOR-ish aspect to some of the songs.

Roger Hodgson - Hai Hai. 1987. A&M Records.
   I jumped at this one for $5.95. I believe it's long
   out of print here in the U.S. (still available as an
   import for $23+). As one would expect, it's very
   reminiscent of Supertramp stylistically, although it's
   a little "weird" at times.

And lastly:

We've all seen Yaz - Upstairs at Eric's. It's quintessential
early-'80s artistic pop. I've been meaning to pick it up for
years, but just never got around to it. Well, I ran across
a "weird" version of it today that I'd never seen before, so
I just had to pick it up. The artwork is *identical* to the
one we've all seen before with one major exception: The band's
name is not "Yaz", but "Yazoo". I did a doubletake when I saw
the spine, and figured it was a parody, but evidently this is
a very early pressing with the band's original name intact.

It is a German pressing on Mute Records INT 846.803. Not sure
if it has any collectible value, but it's neat nonetheless.

Well that's it for today...not a great excursion, but not a
completely crappy one either.

Til next time,


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